Meeting summaries: 2016-03-03

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David A. Harding 2016-03-06 19:21:49 -05:00
parent e9ab631b6b
commit 53a77323b4
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 4B29C30FF29EC4B7
2 changed files with 342 additions and 0 deletions

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title: IRC meeting summary for 2016-03-03
permalink: /en/meetings/2016/03/03/
name: 2016-03-03-meeting
type: meetings
layout: page
lang: en
version: 1
- [Link to this week logs](
- [Meeting minutes by meetbot](
- * contents
## VersionBits (BIP9) soft fork logic
*Background: [BIP9][] is a mechanism for deploying soft forks that
replaces the IsSuperMajority() mechanism used to deploy BIPs
[34][BIP34], [66][BIP66], and [65][BIP65]. The older method requires
soft forks be rolled out sequentially, as a miner signaling that
they're ready to enforce soft fork number 3 must also signal that
they're willing to enforce soft forks number 2 and 1. Because of this,
we currently wait for soft fork number 1 to be fully enforced before
attempting soft fork number 2, and we wait for 2 to be fully enforced
before attempting soft fork number 3. This can create delays and
contention over which soft fork to perform next. VersionBits allows
miners to signal readiness to enforce any set of up to 29 different soft
forks as well as providing a few other nice features such as greater
predictability for enforcement times.*
Discussion today centered around Pull Request (PR) [#7575][] and a few
recent changes to the BIP so that, "as long as the start/end times of
[soft fork] deployments are non-overlapping, the [block header version]
bits [used by miners to signal readiness to enforce] are never ambiguous.
[This means there] is no need for dependency tracking between different
deployments, [they] just [need to] choose start/end times sanely"
(Pieter Wuille). Several participants voiced their happiness regarding
On a different BIP9 issue, Gregory Maxwell said, "I continue to be a
little concerned that the activation threshold may be too high
considering the low variance triggering mechanism, and activation delay.
But I see nothing to do about that except try it and see if our first
versionbits fork attempt fails to activate in a reasonable time." The
activation threshold for VersionBits is 95%, the same as used with
IsSuperMajority(), but VersionBits is measured over 2,016 blocks rather
than 1,000 blocks and it's measured only once per 2,016 blocks rather
than every block as with IsSuperMajority(). This means that a small
miner who produces less than 5% of the blocks could prevent the fork
from triggering even if every other miner but them signaled readiness
just because that small miner got "lucky" during that period and
produced more than 5% of the blocks.
Pieter Wuille replied to Maxwell's concern, saying "We can reduce the
threshold if needed; increasing [it] is harder, as it may cause the
warning to not fire."
Conversation continued about how to optimize Bitcoin Core's regression
test (regtest) mode for testing long chains of 4,032 blocks such as
those measured by versionbits.
Final action items for this discussion:
- Pieter Wuille will push a few changes to PR [#7575][]
- All consensus protocol developers are encouraged to review
[#7575][] and [BIP9][] as these will likely see deployment soon
for one or more of the pending soft forks.
## Transaction backlog
*Background: during the several days prior to the meeting, it was widely
reported that many nodes' memory pools contained an above-normal number
of unconfirmed transactions. Although significant changes to the
system state are worth investigating in any case, the recent release of
Bitcoin Core 0.12.0 with its major changes to memory pool policy may make
investigating this more important than usual.*
*[Editor's note: this discussion rambled a bit without any official
change in topic even to the point where the meeting chair said, "okay,
we're going on a tangent." I've split it into subsections to hopefully
improve clarity, but this takes some elements significantly out of
linear order.]*
Regarding the current status, Maxwell says, "Right now there has been an
increase in transactions with fees over 1 satoshi per byte. The
months-standing background spam load of around a gigabyte below that [fee
per byte level] seems largely unchanged to me."
Luke Dashjr asked, "has anyone looked into whether the new transactions
are real or spam?" Maxwell replied, "Some people have; Peter Todd was
tweeting some analysis that strongly supported the later."
Peter Todd added, "Yeah, they look like long chains where eventually
everything goes back to the sender, apparently. But no formal write ups
[of this analysis] exist yet."
Alex Morcos said that "it looks to me like the backlog is diminishing".
### Opt-in Replace-by-Fee (RBF) use
Peter Todd noted that the ( wallet "has RBF code
in their GitHub repo". Maxwell agreed, " has been working on that;
I think he was off in a design rathole on how to best support updating
[a transaction] with additional outputs. FWIW, with the new proposal
for Schnorr aggregate signatures, updating for more outputs will be much
more attractive."
The Schnorr aggregate signature proposal will allow multiple inputs to
the same transaction to share a signature field if they all use similar
enough scripts (which would be expected if they were all spent by the
same wallet). Since signatures are the largest single part of typical
transactions, the ability to combine multiple signatures together with
no loss in security significantly compresses transactions. Since the fee
paid in Replace By Fee (RBF) transactions in based on transaction size,
this compression will make RBF even more efficient at saving money than
it is today compared to sending separate transactions.
### -paytxfee semantics change
*Background: roughly 24 hours prior to the meeting, developer Mike
Gogulski opened [an
issue]( in the
Bitcoin Core repository reporting that the behavior of the
-paytxfee configuration option had changed with the release of
Bitcoin Core 0.12.0*
"So what I think happened," wrote Pieter Wuille, "is that at some point
we switched the mining code to be per byte instead of per kilobyte.
Later [a] global [variable] was introduced which implicitly retained the
behavior of 'rounding up to 1,000 bytes for fee calculation' even though
the rest of the code was updated to be per byte, Only now, with the
global [variable] going away, we actually get the accurate change."
Since transactions sizes were previously rounded up when this
configuration option was used but are now being calculated precisely,
the fee paid per byte is now lower than users of the `-paytxfee` flag
expected. Note that this semantics change only affected users that set
this option manually.
Alex Morcos brought up that the `-maxsigcachesize` base unit was also
changed; it's now in megabytes. He suggested, "a checklist on changing
behavior of any options or RPC calls [...] I'm not sure how many people
would catch all these warnings in the two-foot-thick binder of release
notes, but it's still good to have them."
## FeeFilter
*Background: Alex Morcos's recently-proposed [draft BIP133][BIP133] suggests
adding a new message to the P2P protocol that allows a node to tell its
peers that it only wants to receive notifications about new transactions
if those transactions pay a transaction fee per byte above a certain
level. The node requesting this filtering out of low fee transactions
can choose whatever fee per byte level it wants. Since nodes today have
no way to tell their peers that they're not going to process low-fee
transactions, it is believed that the introduction of this message will
reduce the amount of wasted traffic on the network.*
Discussion was extremely brief. Morcos said, "It reduces
transaction send and receive bandwidth by around 40+%". Maxwell
replied, "that's fantastic" and also said "feefilter is awesome".
Dashjr suggested that feefilter "needs some kind of 'mode' for things
like 'how do we measure size' etc, but [that's] not a huge deal."
Morcos felt differently, "I'm basically of the mindset that we don't
introduce complication until we need it." Maxwell agreed, "We will not
run out of message types, so we could introduce a modefilter later".
Thinking long term, Maxwell added, "I expect the way relay works to
change substantially in the next couple yeas; so we should probably not
overdesign here."
The action item for feefilter is more review and testing.
## Child Pays For Parent (CPFP) mining
*Background: Suhas Daftuar has an Work-In-Progress (WIP) [pull
request][#7600] that helps miners create more profitable blocks by
considering the combined fee rate of unconfirmed transactions plus their
child transactions. This is useful not just for improving miner
profitability but also for allowing users to effectively add fees to
transactions that are already in miner memory pools by creating child
transactions with high fee rates, which is commonly called Child
[transaction] Pays For Parent [transaction] (CPFP).*
Daftuar reports, "I've been running [the code] live for the last two
days. [I've been] comparing the exiting mining algorithm to the new one
[approximately] every 128 transactions or so. [When] looking at the
last call to the CreateNewBlock() [function] before a block is found, I
see a [significant] increase in the fee/block on the last 144 data points."
Maxwell explains why a non-trivial profitability increase is expected,
"I believe it should be making some pretty significant differences in
selection from what I've seen. A number of users of OTHERBRAND [sic]
wallet that has no fee estimation and always spends unconfirmed change
seem to frequently produce chains of very low fee, very high fee (after
realizing they needed more fee from the first tx)."
A discussion regarding the method used to test the increase in
profitability explained that the test is likely counting some
transactions multiple times, so the exact increase in fee captured per
block is likely less than the test indicated. Still, one can safely
assume that miners will be happy to run code that increases their
potential profitability, all other things being equal.
Daftuar then reported on the costs of the new code in terms of
performance. "So there are three areas of performance to consider:
1. "The additional work of the mempool to keep the index [of related
transactions and their fees]
2. "The part of CreateNewBlock() before TestBlockValidity() is called
3. "The time TestBlockValidity takes ([which is] much larger than the
rest of CreateNewBlock(), which is why I think it makes sense to
split it out)"
Technical discussion continued with Daftuar providing numbers from his
testing. Results and test methodology can be found in PRs [#7594][]
and [#7600][]. In one case, this new code seems to speed up a
mining-related process, and in at least one other case the slowdown
seems to be insignificant.
Action item: "[get] people into working on review for CPFP \[PRs]
[#7594][], [#7598][], and [#7600][]."
Postscript: in the post-meeting discussion, Maxwell suggested to Daftuar
"if CPFP appears to be moderately stable, we might consider asking a
moderately large miner to run it (in parallel to other stuff); it would
have most of it's usability benefit for the network if only one
moderately larger miner was running it. [...] The only reason I suggest
it is because there are at least a few users whose delays could be
avoided by [running] it." Daftuar seemed agreeable and indicated he
would work with Maxwell to find a miner to conduct that live test.
## Segregated Witness (segwit) status
*Background: several developers are working on a soft fork to introduce
segregated witness onto Bitcoin mainnet, with initial testing being
performed on a special testnet. Segregated witness allows transaction
signature data to be stored outside of the data hashed to produce
transaction identifiers, removing all known forms of third-party
malleability, allowing full nodes to compile the current UTXO set
without downloading all signatures, and laying the groundwork for
fraud proofs that can allow lightweight (SPV) clients to help enforce
more of the consensus rules. The segwit soft fork also allows miners to
substitute 1 byte of block space with 4 bytes of segwit data, increasing
transaction capacity for wallets that use segwit.*
Eric Lombrozo started by saying, "we had a [chain] fork a few days ago".
Wuille replied, "I haven't had time to investigate; my hope is that it
was caused by miners running older versions of the [segwit] code and not
something else". Lombrozo acknowledged "that's the most probable - but
we haven't narrowed down the conditional that actually caused it."
Wuille said, "I was planning on doing a segnet4 very soon, but we'd need
to understand what's causing this first."
Morcos asked, "is there anyone stuck on the short fork" and Lombrozo
replied, "I think there might be still a few". Cory Fields said "I'd be
interested in talking a look there".
Maxwell suggested a debug tool: "[it] might be useful if regtest
networks put their git build info in their version numbers. [This would
be] awful for privacy, but [it] would be useful here."
Action item was that several people would work on identifying the cause
of the fork.
## Conclusion
The meeting concluded at its scheduled end time with some items still
left on the agenda. Some immediate post-meeting discussion has been
integrated into this summary.
## Comedic relief
{% highlight text %}
gmaxwell: okay, we're going on a tangent.
sipa: going on a tangent is a sin
morcos: oh no
CodeShark: no trig puns
sipa: I co-sign that
{% endhighlight %}
## Participants
| IRC nick | Name/Nym |
| btcdrak | [BtcDrak][] |
| cfields | [Cory Fields][] |
| CodeShark | [Eric Lombrozo][] |
| gmaxwell | [Gregory Maxwell][] |
| Luke-Jr | [Luke Dashjr][] |
| morcos | [Alex Morcos][] |
| paveljanik | [Pavel Janik][] |
| petertodd | [Peter Todd][] |
| sdaftuar | [Suhas Daftuar][] |
| sipa | [Pieter Wuille][] |
## Disclaimers
Quotes taken from the discussion had their capitalization, punctuation,
and spelling modified to produce consistent sentences. Bracketed words
and fragments, as well as background narratives and explanatory
exposition, were added by the author of this summary and may have
accidentally changed the meaning of some sentences; if you believe any
quote was taken out of context, please contact us and the mistake will
be rectified.
This summary was compiled without input from any of the participants in
the discussion, so any errors are the fault of the summary author and
not the discussion participants.
[Gregory Maxwell]:
[Luke Dashjr]:
[Peter Todd]:
[Suhas Daftuar]:
[Pieter Wuille]:
[Eric Lombrozo]:
[Cory Fields]:
[Alex Morcos]:
[Pavel Janik]: