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2021-12-30 18:08:48 +01:00
# Standard Libraries
import sys
import os.path
import argparse
# PyPI Dependencies
import yaml
# Custom Scripts
from utils import DictToObj
import config as appcfg
# --------------------------------
# Arguments
# --------------------------------
ArgParser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
sps = ArgParser.add_subparsers(help='sub-command help', dest='service')
# global
ArgParser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', help='Verbose Mode, used for debugging', action='store_true', required=False)
ArgParser.add_argument('--proxy', help='Proxy to make the all requests under', required=False)
ArgParser.add_argument('--cdm', help='Override which Widevine Content Decryption Module to use for decryption',
default='nexus6_lvl1', required=False) # With Netflix, chromecdm_903 + cdm_ke == 1080p @ MPL
ArgParser.add_argument('--keys', help='Only obtain the keys, skip downloading and all logic behind it',
action='store_true', required=False)
ArgParser.add_argument('--keysonly', help='Disable all logs except for the output of the keys from --keys',
action='store_true', required=False)
help='Silent operation, does not return any logs during usage',
action='store_true', required=False)
ArgParser.add_argument('-p', '--profile',
help='Cookies and settings will be applied based on the profile',
ArgParser.add_argument('-t', '--title', help='Title ID of the content you wish to download', required=True)
ArgParser.add_argument('-q', '--quality', help='Download Resolution, defaults to best available', type=int)
ArgParser.add_argument('-m', '--movie', help='If it\'s a movie, use this flag', action='store_true', required=False)
ArgParser.add_argument('-s', '--season', help='Season Number to download, exclude it to download all seasons', type=int,
ArgParser.add_argument('-e', '--episode', help='Episode Number to download, exclude it to download all episodes',
type=int, required=False)
ArgParser.add_argument('--skip', help='Skip n Episodes', type=int)
# netflix
sp_netflix = sps.add_parser('NETFLIX', help='')
sp_netflix.add_argument('--vcodec', help='Video Codec - H264 will retrieve BPL and MPL AVC profiles', default='H264',
choices=['H264', 'H264@HPL', 'H265', 'H265-HDR', 'VP9', 'AV1'])
sp_netflix.add_argument('--acodec', help='Audio Codec', default='DOLBY', choices=['AAC', 'VORB', 'DOLBY'])
sp_netflix.add_argument('--esn', help='Netflix ESN to use for the Manifest and License API\'s',
sp_netflix.add_argument('--cdm_ke', help='Use Widevine Content Decryption Module Key Exchange', action='store_true',
default=False, required=False)
# amazon
sp_amazon = sps.add_parser('AMAZON', help='')
sp_amazon.add_argument('--marketid', help='Marketplace ID (mid)', required=False)
sp_amazon.add_argument('--vcodec', help='Video Codec', default='H264', choices=['H264', 'H265'])
sp_amazon.add_argument('--vbitrate', help='Video Bitrate Mode to download in (CVBR recommended)', default='CVBR',
choices=['CVBR+CBR', 'CVBR', 'CBR'])
sp_amazon.add_argument('--cdn', help='CDN to download from, defaults to the cdn with the highest weight set by Amazon')
# videoland
sp_videoland = sps.add_parser('VIDEOLAND', help='')
# boomerang
sp_boomerang = sps.add_parser('BOOMERANG', help='')
# disney+
sp_disneyplus = sps.add_parser('DISNEYPLUS', help='')
sp_disneyplus.add_argument('ctr', help='DRM CTR AES Counter Block Encryption Mode', default='handset-drm-ctr', choices=['handset-drm-ctr', 'restricted-drm-ctr-sw'])
# rte
sp_rte = sps.add_parser('RTE', help='')
# rakutentv
sp_rakutentv = sps.add_parser('RAKUTENTV', help='')
sp_rakutentv.add_argument('--hdr', help='Audio Channels', default='HDR10', choices=['NONE', 'HDR10'])
sp_rakutentv.add_argument('--vquality', help='Video Quality', default='UHD', choices=['SD', 'HD', 'FHD', 'UHD'])
sp_rakutentv.add_argument('--achannels', help='Audio Channels', default='5.1', choices=['2.0', '5.1'])
args = ArgParser.parse_args()
# --------------------------------
# Load Service
# From there, the service will take care of the rest
# --------------------------------
if args.keysonly:
sys.stdout = open(os.devnull, 'w')
print(f"Starting {args.service} Service")
config_path = os.path.join(appcfg.directories.configuration, f"{args.service}.yml")
if os.path.exists(config_path) and os.path.isfile(config_path):
with open(config_path, "r") as f:
cfg = DictToObj(yaml.safe_load(f))
cfg = None
m = getattr(
__import__("services." + args.service.lower(), globals(), locals(), [args.service], 0),
)(cfg, args)