# BHCLI ![screenshot](screenshot.png "Screenshot") ## Description This is a CLI client for any of [le-chat-php](https://github.com/DanWin/le-chat-php) currently supported chats are [Black Hat Chat](http://blkhatjxlrvc5aevqzz5t6kxldayog6jlx5h7glnu44euzongl4fh5ad.onion) and [Daniel's chat](http://danschat356lctri3zavzh6fbxg2a7lo6z3etgkctzzpspewu7zdsaqd.onion) ## Pre-built binaries Pre-buit binaries can be found on the [official website](http://dkforestseeaaq2dqz2uflmlsybvnq2irzn4ygyvu53oazyorednviid.onion/bhcli) ## Features - Sound notifications when tagged/pmmed - Private messages `/pm username message` - Kick someone `/kick username message` | `/k username message` - Delete last message `/dl` - Delete last X message `/dl5` will delete the last 5 messages - Delete all messages `/dall` - Ignore someone `/ignore username` - Unignore someone `/unignore username` - Toggle notifications sound `m` - Toggle a "guest" view, by filtering out PMs and "Members chat" `shift+G` - Filter messages `/f terms` - Copy a selected message to clipboard `ctrl+C` | `y` - Copy the first link in a message to clipboard `shift+Y` - Directly tag author of selected message `t` will prefil the input with `@username ` - Directly private message author of selected message `p` will prefil the input with `/pm username ` - Shortcut to kick author of selected message `ctrl+k` will prefil the input with `/kick username ` - captcha is displayed directly in terminal 10 times the real size - Upload file `/u C:\path\to\file.png @username message` (@username is optional) `@members` for members group - `` to autocomplete usernames while typing ### Editing mode - `ctrl+A` Move cursor to start of line - `ctrl+E` Move cursor to end of line - `ctrl+F` Move cursor a word forward - `ctrl+B` Move cursor a word backward ### Messages navigation - Page down the messages list `ctrl+D` | `page down` - Page up the messages list `ctrl+U` | `page up` - Going down 1 message `j` | `down arrow` - Going up 1 message `k` | `up arrow` ## Build from source ### Windows - Install C++ build tools https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/visual-cpp-build-tools/ - Install Rust https://www.rust-lang.org/learn/get-started - Download & extract code source - Compile with `cargo build --release` ### OSx - Install Rust https://www.rust-lang.org/learn/get-started - Compile with `cargo build --release` ### Linux - Install Rust - Install dependencies `apt-get install -y pkg-config libasound2-dev libssl-dev cmake libfreetype6-dev libexpat1-dev libxcb-composite0-dev libx11-dev` - Compile with `cargo build --release` ## Cross compile `cargo build --release --target x86_64-pc-windows-gnu`